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David Haynes2024-02-22T12:22:58+10:00Categories: Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Fertility, Infertility And Conception, Hormonal Imbalance, IVF, FET & IUI, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Pregnancy|
At our Gold Coast Acupuncture Clinic, we want to help you achieve your desired health goals! When it comes to fertility, sometimes it’s easy to become focused on conceiving and forget that the goal is having a healthy baby. “Observational studies show strong links between health before pregnancy and maternal and child health outcomes, with consequences that can extend across generations, but awareness of these links is not widespread.” 1(pp1) It is generally accepted that we are born with all
David Haynes2024-02-25T20:06:36+10:00Categories: Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Fertility, Infertility And Conception, Hormonal Imbalance, IVF, FET & IUI, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Postnatal Depression, Pregnancy, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder|
At Haynes Acupuncture on the Gold Coast, we strive to provide quality treatments using the fundamentals of Chinese Medicine with a Japanese needling technique, in support of all areas of health. We see a lot of mothers in our clinic right from the start of their fertility journey, through to post birth and we pride ourselves in the care we give during this often, quite tiresome time. We specialise in helping families from the beginning, in many cases, this
David Haynes2024-02-21T13:09:55+10:00Categories: Acupuncture, Autonomic Dysfunction, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Myalgic Encephalomyelitis|
[embedyt][/embedyt] At our Gold Coast Acupuncture Clinic, we want you to feel your best by helping you achieve your desired health goals. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a complex medical condition that targets a person’s nervous system. A person with CFS often feels tired and drained even with sufficient sleep. The fatigue is not relieved by extended rest and can be exacerbated even with low levels of physical or mental activity. People with CFS report feelings of persistent and
David Haynes2024-01-08T11:36:06+10:00Categories: Health|
Acupuncture during winter is one of the best ways you can boost your immune system during the colder months here on the Gold Coast. The ancient Chinese believed that human beings should live in harmony with the natural cycles of their environment. The cold and darkness of winter urges us to slow down. This is the time of year to reflect on our health, replenish our energy and conserve our strength. Winter represents the most Yin (female) aspect in Chinese
David Haynes2024-01-08T11:36:15+10:00Categories: Acupuncture, Health|
Feel as though you have been going so well and then all these symptoms have come back out of nowhere? In Chinese medicine, autumn is the ‘hinge’ between summer and winter! With the change in season, we often see what we call ‘flares’, this can an exacerbation of your symptoms that are usually kept at bay. It is a time when the body must continually adapt to change, from opening the pores to allow sweating, to closing them to protect
David Haynes2024-01-08T11:36:20+10:00Categories: Acupuncture, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Fibromyalgia, Long Covid, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Post Viral Fatigue|
[embedyt][/embedyt] POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) is a condition that we see regularly here at our Gold Coast acupuncture clinic. POTS is a chronic health condition that impacts a person’s ability to regulate their heart rate and blood pressure. This can lead to difficulty tolerating prolonged standing and other upright positions. The symptoms range from headaches, dizziness, pulse rate irregularities, digestive issues, foggy head, anxiety and depression. POTS may occur after a sickness with a viral/bacterial infection, a brain
David Haynes2024-01-08T11:36:43+10:00Categories: Acupuncture, Health|
Have you ever wondered what is really involved in your acupuncture treatment? Here at Haynes Acupuncture Gold Coast, our qualified acupuncturists practice a style of traditional medicine based on more than 2,500 years of Chinese medical practice. Within acupuncture care, self-care advice is not seen as an ‘add-on’ but rather as an integral and interactive component of a theory-based complex intervention. Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on the conceptual framework of yin-yang theory, or the “balance” of opposites. Within this medicine system,
David Haynes2024-01-08T11:36:51+10:00Categories: Acupuncture, Health|
Here at Haynes Acupuncture Gold Coast our qualified acupuncturists practice a style of traditional medicine based on more than 2,500 years of Chinese medical practice. A fundamental belief of Chinese medicine is that it’s better to take steps to preserve and enhance your wellbeing everyday, than to think about your health only when you’re sick, this is particularly relevant to seasonal changes! It’s finally summer! Time for BBQ's, farmers markets, outdoor concerts and hitting the beach. Summer in Traditional Chinese Medicine