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Blog Articles2024-03-08T08:46:11+10:00


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Using Acupuncture for Ulcerative Colitis

Categories: Acupuncture, Autoimmune Disease, Autonomic Dysfunction, Gut Health, Digestion & Bowels, Immune System Restoration|

At our Gold Coast Acupuncture clinic, we work with you to obtain your desired health results. Ulcerative Colitis (UC) is an inflammatory bowel disease that is most common in younger adults ranging anywhere from 20 to 49 years. It is accompanied with symptoms of rectal bleeding, bloody diarrhoea, abdominal pains and cramps and systemic symptoms varying in degrees. Ulcerative Colitis patient's quality of life is often negatively impacted due to the lengthy disease course along with its frequent reoccurring nature.

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Could you be Perimenopausal?

Categories: Acupuncture, Anxiety, Hormonal Imbalance, Menopause|

Did you know acupuncture may assist with the management of the symptoms associated with perimenopause? Here at Haynes Acupuncture Gold Coast we can address your symptoms to assist you to live a normal life. During the years before menopause, production of estrogen and progesterone starts to decrease and menstrual periods and ovulation occur less often. The fluctuations between these hormones are thought to cause the menopausal symptoms experienced by many women. The average length of perimenopause is 4 years, but

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Get to know your Practitioners – Mark Sargeant

Categories: Haynes Acupuncture|

Mark Sargeant's main mission at Haynes Acupuncture on the Gold Coast is to restore all patients to full health, whether that is physically, mentally or emotionally. The clinic offers a treatment of the whole person, taking the time to establish the cause of certain problems or uncertainties, then developing a step by step plan to help you. This month for a little fun we asked practitioner Mark Sargeant a few questions about his journey and life in general! We hope

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Dry Brushing

Categories: Health|

Here at Haynes Acupuncture Gold Coast, our qualified acupuncturists practice traditional medicine based on more than 2,500 years of Chinese medical practice. Within acupuncture care, self-care advice is not seen as an ‘add-on’ but rather as an integral and interactive component of a theory-based complex intervention. In Chinese medicine, the skin is considered so important that it is referred to as the third kidney that conducts vital Qi (energy). In Chinese medicine, dry brushing is most definitely not a fad

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Get to know your practitioners- David Haynes

Categories: Haynes Acupuncture|

Our main mission at Haynes Acupuncture on the Gold Coast is to restore all patients to full health, whether that is physically, mentally or emotionally. The clinic offers a treatment of the whole person, taking the time to establish the cause of certain problems or uncertainties, then developing a step by step plan to help you. This month for a little fun we asked owner, practitioner, and Gold Coast Acupuncturist, David Haynes a few questions about his journey and life

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Painful Periods

Categories: Acupuncture, Endometriosis, Fertility, Infertility And Conception, Hormonal Imbalance, IVF, FET & IUI, Menopause, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder|

At Haynes Acupuncture, we strive to provide the utmost care to women on the Gold Coast who are experiencing hormonal issues. Dysmenorrhea is the medical term for the dull throbbing abdominal pain that some women experience during their periods. It can range from a mild annoyance to the kind of severe pain that can ruin several days each month. What are the causes? In Chinese medicine, there are several diagnoses but the most common are qi (energy) stagnation, blood stagnation

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Exercise & Fertility

Categories: Acupuncture, Endometriosis, Fertility, Infertility And Conception, Hormonal Imbalance, IVF, FET & IUI, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder|

At Haynes Acupuncture, we treat a lot of women who are trying to conceive.  By using acupuncture and herbal medicine, we can help to improve levels of fertility by balancing hormones, reducing levels of stress and regulating the menstrual cycle. Women can optimise their levels of fertility by eating a healthy diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables, getting enough sleep and by managing their stress levels. But what about exercise? Is all exercise good for fertility? Well, there are

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What’s in Season?

Categories: Health|

At Haynes Acupuncture on the Gold Coast, we strive to provide quality treatments using the fundamentals of Chinese Medicine, we use a style of traditional medicine based on more than 2,500 years of Chinese medical practice. The ancient Chinese believed that human beings should live in harmony with the natural cycles of their environment. The cold and darkness of winter urges us to slow down. This is the time of year to reflect on our health, replenish our energy and

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