An Acupuncture Approach to Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a condition which has puzzled doctors for a long time – it is associated with painful periods, pain during intercourse, spotting before periods and infertility.
Endometriosis is a condition which has puzzled doctors for a long time – it is associated with painful periods, pain during intercourse, spotting before periods and infertility.
Here on the Gold Coast colds, flus and hay fever are common and our acupuncture and chinese medicine clinic can help. So have you thought about boosting your immune system? Have you thought about acupuncture? Acupuncture studies have shown the benefits in managing the symptoms associated with allergic rhinitis with symptoms of runny nose, inflammation, which, did you know the immune system actually triggers in its attempt to fight off the virus/bacteria (2). A systematic review & meta analysis of
Chronic fatigue syndrome is a debilitating condition of extreme fatigue that is worsened with mental or physical exertion which has lasted 6 months or longer. Depression, sore throat and muscle pain are also symptoms that may present. A recent study from China has highlighted the efficacy of Acupuncture in assisting patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Acupuncture with moxibustion and acupuncture alone, were used in 2 separate groups, with a third group receiving sham acupuncture. A Chalder Fatigue scale was used
Just about any health condition can be a symptom of underlying allergies. It is very common for the allergies to go undiagnosed while the symptoms - headaches, depression, asthma, rashes, indigestion - are treated only with temporary success, possibly complicating the condition. Allergies are overreactions of the immune system to things in the environment, such as dust, pollen, animal dander, and foods. When an allergic person’s immune system is triggered by an allergen, it causes some degree of inflammation. The
A stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is disrupted, which means oxygen cannot be supplied to the brain and cells start to die. Blood supply can be disrupted by a clot or plaque, or the artery can simply break or burst open. Stroke is one of Australia’s biggest killers and kills more women that breast cancer and more men than prostate cancer. More than half of stroke survivors are left with a disability, impeding their ability to carry out
If you experience musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, dietary or sleep disorders, then this is an interesting read. In our Gold Coast Acupuncture clinic, we can offer acupuncture treatments specific to symptoms related to Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). Fibromyalgia is commonly characterized by musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep and poor memory or mood issues. Fortunately acupuncture research is becoming more evident, with research suggesting that acupuncture can help neuroendocrine dysfunctions by stimulating endorphins in the mid brain (1). Endorphins have
At our Acupuncture clinic on the Gold Coast, we see an array of patients with varying conditions and for men over 50, benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) is the most common prostate problem. BPH is an enlarged prostate gland (non-cancerous) that squeezes the urethra as it gets bigger. This can be extremely painful and may also cause excessive urination at night, urge to urinate, sexual dysfunction and a weakened urinary system. This can often lead to infections, bladder stones and/or reduced kidney
These are the fundamentals to David’s work as an Acupuncturist. Throughout his time in the industry, David has worked patients to improve their quality of life. With a particular focus on fertility, pain, and stress, David’s clinic, Haynes Acupuncture, has patients travelling both near and far, to be treated by David and his team.
First assisting, then practicing since 2008, David committed to continued education early on. This means regularly travelling to conventions, exhibitions, and workshops with international leaders in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. Including a three-month internship at a Chinese Hospital in 2009, where he gained certification in Advanced Practice (Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medical University, Nanning, China).
David’s commitment to continued education results in a comprehensive acupuncture treatments, that can be tailored 100% to the individuals needs. David’s passion for acupuncture and holistic living, is unwavering. Which is obvious to his patients at each and every treatment.
Rather than resting on the usual diagnosis, David comprehensively assesses his patients every time, to ensure that nothing is ever missed.
David firmly believes in balancing career with a healthy and vibrant lifestyle. For David, this includes fishing, kite surfing, mountain biking, camping, lots of time with his wife Claire, son Kyan, Kelpie pup Esher, and overseas trips.
Ségolène's passion for this medicine began years ago when she was suffering from chronic pain for many years. After experiencing acupuncture her sleepless nights transformed into peaceful rest.
Being a Mum of three, she understands how difficult and sometimes complicated looking after your own health can be, so she is dedicated to helping others find energy and balance in their busy life. What Eastern Medicine offers is a philosophy that empowers you, it teaches you to listen to emotions, to pay attention to the changes in your body and cultivates your mind.
The body has this amazing ability to heal, always seeking for the perfect balance; acupuncture acts as a guide to help bring the body back to homeostasis.
Ségolène is passionate about assisting others find the keys to unlock their fullest potential through reconnection with their body and mind.
Mark moved to Australia from England in 2012, and in 2013 began his formal training in Chinese Medicine at Endeavour College of Natural Health. Mark achieved a Bachelor in Health Sciences (BHSc) with distinction. During the course of his degree, Mark learnt from a variety of teachers and has spent time in different acupuncture clinics to further advance his understanding of Chinese Medicine.
Mark has been assisting David at Coastal Natural Therapies since 2016, further developing his skills and knowledge.
Mark first became interested in acupuncture 25 years ago, after successfully being treated by an English acupuncturist. He subsequently developed a deep passion for Chinese Medicine, reading widely on the subject and having regular treatment with the intention to eventually train to be acupuncturist.
Mark has always held a desire to help people and worked first as a disability support worker, then as a social worker for many years.
Mark has a deep commitment to helping patients reach and maintain wellness with a gentle and empathic approach. Mark has a particular interest in treating chronic disease, autoimmune disorders, mental and emotional health, digestive issues and fertility.
Raisa first discovered East Asian Medicine whilst studying for a Bachelor of Physical Therapy in Spain, which led her to pursue a diploma in Shiatsu and Oriental Therapies (Japanese Remedial Massage) and then further her studies by completing a Bachelor of Health Science Acupuncture.
Starting a family and being far away from her home country was a challenging time in her life. During her fertility journey, she realised how much the focus is put on the egg, overemphasising the women’s role when a couple can’t conceive. Therefore, she has a special interest in understanding, educating, and treating Male Reproductive Health. She is also passionate about assisting families and individuals experiencing "Expat Grief.”
Now a mother of two, she enjoys supporting women through all stages of pregnancy, labour preparation, and postpartum.
She is also a foodie and often shares recipes and talks about her favourite dishes during a session.