BUNDALL & MERMAID 07 5531 6461

Post Viral Fatigue

  • pots treatment blog syed ahsan e1612882012509

POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEIbwVkktGo[/embedyt] POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) is a condition that we see regularly here at our Gold Coast acupuncture clinic. POTS is a chronic health condition that impacts a person’s ability to regulate their heart rate and blood pressure. This can lead to difficulty tolerating prolonged standing and other upright positions. The symptoms range from headaches, dizziness, pulse rate irregularities, digestive issues, foggy head, anxiety and depression. POTS may occur after a sickness with a viral/bacterial infection, a brain

  • sneezing

Hay Fever & Allergies

As the seasonal change is soon upon on the Gold Coast when we move from winter to spring, our immune systems may need some readjusting. Hay fever can become problematic as we are ever sneezing, wiping our noses and itching our eyes. Hay fever, or referred to in medical terms as Allergic Rhinitis (AR), is allergic reactions to airborne allergens such as seasonal grass, pollen, dust and animal dander. For some individuals, this often flares up during specific seasons whereas

  • stress adrenal fatigue

Stress = Exhausted Adrenals = Flat Batteries

Life presents us with an abundance of joys, and yet so many people are not able to fully enjoy life’s pleasures due disturbances in their neurobiology causing feelings such as anxiety and depression. Holistic, efficacious treatment strategies designed to help restore optimal neurobiology can help these patients regain their mental and emotional health; ultimately helping them live a happier, healthier life. If you have symptoms such as tiredness, fearfulness, allergies, frequent influenza, arthritis, anxiety, depression, reduced memory and difficulties in concentrating,

  • chronic fatigue acupuncture gold coast

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a debilitating condition of extreme fatigue that is worsened with mental or physical exertion which has lasted 6 months or longer. Depression, sore throat and muscle pain are also symptoms that may present. A recent study from China has highlighted the efficacy of Acupuncture in assisting patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Acupuncture with moxibustion and acupuncture alone, were used in 2 separate groups, with a third group receiving sham acupuncture. A Chalder Fatigue scale was used

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