BUNDALL & MERMAID 07 5531 6461


What are the common symptoms of POTS?

Heart palpitations or a rapid increase in heart rate (tachycardia) when standing up Dizziness or lightheadedness Fainting or near-fainting episodes (syncope or pre-syncope) Fatigue or exercise intolerance Brain fog or difficulty concentrating Headache Nausea Cold hands and feet Blurred vision Shortness of breath


What causes POTS?

The exact cause of POTS is not always clear, but it can be associated with various factors, including viral infections, hormonal imbalances, blood volume issues, and genetic predisposition. In some cases, POTS may develop following an illness, injury or traumatic experience.


What is POTS?

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) is a form of dysautonomia, a condition that affects the autonomic nervous system. POTS is characterised by an abnormal increase in heart rate upon standing, often accompanied by symptoms like dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting, fatigue, and brain fog.


How long do acupuncture results last?

Typically, the longer you have had the condition, the longer the course of treatment will be before you experience substantial or lasting effects. Acupuncture can be done as often as five times a week or as little as once a month. Each individual is different, and the results are specific to the individual. Once your health goals have been reached, we suggest Acupuncture maintenance treatment, which may only be two or three times a year. Much like a car service,


Does acupuncture work immediately?

Results can vary depending on several factors, for example, how long you have had your condition, how severe your condition is and how quickly you respond to Acupuncture. The great news is that your practitioner will recommend a specific treatment plan on your first treatment after diagnosis. That way, you know exactly how many treatments to expect.


Does acupuncture hurt?

Many of our patients describe their treatment as very relaxing. When the needles are inserted, you may feel a slight prick, but the needles are very fine (nothing like what you get at the doctor) you may not feel much at all.


What should I avoid after acupuncture?

You can usually get on with your normal routine after your treatment. Your healing rate may benefit from a change in your way, such as rest, so check with us for more specific advice.


What can I expect at my first acupuncture appointment?

Your first visit starts with a consultation and history taking. We ask about your medical history, main complaint, and other aspects of your health and lifestyle that may affect your treatment and recovery. Our practitioners will also take your pulse and sometimes check your tongue. Both are unique to Chinese medicine and invaluable in our diagnosis. Your practitioner will offer you a treatment plan so you know what we recommend to work towards reaching your health goals! Treatment will follow

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